Your Personal Guide To Fishing Alaska
Dan Hardy of D Ray Personal Guide Service specializes in taking the guesswork out of the extensive planning that goes into making a fishing vacation successful.
His professionalism and intimate knowledge of the area’s that he fishes, helps his clients focus on what they came to do… catch fish!
Dan’s insight is invaluable when it comes to setting up that once-in-a-lifetime trip!
Whether it’s fishing for monster Rainbow Trout, or pursuing acrobatic Sockeye and Coho salmon, the aqua blue waters of the Middle Kenai River, attract anglers from all over the world to come try their luck! The Middle Kenai River is a scenic 2.5-hour drive South of Anchorage (on the Kenai Peninsula).

Guided Alaska Fishing Trips
Full-day drift or walk-in fishing trips – based on double occupancy.
Half-day and Singles rates available.
Click on a link to read more about each trip.

Middle Kenai River Rainbows
Fishing Dates: June – October
The middle section of the Kenai River on the Kenai Peninsula, is seemingly in another world, away from the popular lower Kenai, where hundreds of boats filled with anglers pursue trophy king salmon, and the upper Kenai River, where you find anglers standing shoulder to shoulder combat fishing for red salmon. The views from the middle Kenai River while floating are breathtaking, and it’s not uncommon to have loons diving and resurfacing right next to the boat, while calling out to their mate with the haunting sounds only a loon can make. You might also see bears and coyotes scavenging on decaying salmon carcasses on the shoreline. But, the main reason why anglers in the know fish the middle section of the Kenai River, is because they know that this area consistently produces some of the largest rainbows in the state.
Both trophy sized Rainbow Trout and Dolly Varden inhabit this nutrient rich watershed, and during the fall months, these trophy-sized trout feast upon the decomposing carcasses of spawned out salmon and the remnant eggs of Sockeye and King Salmon. As a result from this rich nutrient source, these trout grow to enormous sizes.
Anglers fishing the middle Kenai River watershed, can expect football-shaped trout averaging from (2-10lbs). And it’s not uncommon to see fish landed over 20 lbs! Either fly-fishing or spin tackle are equally effective, and it’s your choice on how you want to pursue these magnificent wild fish.
These trips with D-Ray Personal Guide Service, are done utilizing his 18ft. custom built Stealthcraft powerdrifter boat.
This allows clients to fully enjoy the surreal surroundings of the upper stretches of the middle Kenai River while floating, and still being able to access the more productive gravel bars by motor! All trout are strictly catch-and-release only. Space and availability are limited.
Red Salmon Fishing
Kenai River Fishing Dates: June – August
Pound for pound, Red salmon (Sockeye), may arguably be the hardest fighting of all the salmon that enter the Kenai River! While there are two distinct runs, the first run tends to be smaller in volume (number of fish), and fish size, compared to the second run of sockeye. The first run of Sockeye usually arrives around the first week of June, and peaks at the end of June! The second (and larger run) of sockeye, enter the lower Kenai River in fishable numbers by the second week in July, peaking around the first two weeks in August! Space and availability are limited.

Fall Silver Salmon
Kenai River Fishing Dates: August – October
In early August, the Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus Kisutch), return to the Alaska watersheds and begin to replace the King and Red Salmon as the star attraction. Silver Salmon are every flyfishermen’s dream, because they readily take to a fly, and are considered excellent sport fish, characterized by their aggressive behavior, spectacular leaps, and line-peeling runs.
Spinfishing is also a great way to target silvers!
Most Alaskan Silver Salmon average around ten pounds and fish in the low teens are common. Silver Salmon runs in Alaska are the least predictable of the salmon runs in terms of timing. There are usually two distinct pushes of Silvers on the Kenai River. The peak of the first Silver Salmon run on the Kenai, can fall anytime from late August to early September.
The second run enters the river, the first week of September, and continues through the winter months. Space and availability are limited.
Schedule Your Trip Today!
Need information on water levels? Want to know where the hot fishing is? Let D Ray Personal Guide Service by your personal choice when planning your next adventure to Alaska.
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